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SSL Certificates
Secure transactions, peace of mind
SSL Certificates
SSL certificates protect all sensitive and private data transferring via websites and online systems. SSL products gain trust from end-customers and boost sales by increasing conversions. Certificates help to get higher ranking positions since Google added SSL certs to its algorithm. nettigritty provides all possible SSL certificates available on the market, starting with Domain validation till Extended validation certs.
Why SSL/TLS is a must-have for any website?

Brand Credibility
When transactions are involved nothing scares a customer more than the idea that they are not safe. The simple, bullet-proof solution áß¡¦cheap SSL.

Website Security
Safety first áß¡¦SSL allows you to encrypt all the data between a visitor and the server. High-quality encryption makes sure that every packet is unbreachable.

High SEO ranking
Google officially announced that SSL security is one of the major SEO ranking factors. Integrating SSL/TLS is the straightest way to boosting your ranking!

Increase traffic and sales
Getting cheap SSL makes a priceless statement to your audience. No one wants to stay long on an unsecured website. Make the smart investment that will provide a huge return on investment.

Badge of Honors
Google Chrome and other browsers will begin marking websites without SSL as unsecured. Avoid the big red mark by investing in your image with cheap SSL certification.

Protection from cyber-crime
Prevent legal action and scandals by making sure you protect yourself and your users. Not all publicity is good publicity. Stay protected, stay smart.
Protect your website and your search rankings today!
Choose from our range of Comodo, Symantec (Verisign), RapidSSL and GeoTrust certificates to protect your website, server or online store.
Starting July 2018, Google Chrome will display a Not Secure warning on sites that do not have an SSL certificate!
Basic Certificates
Comodo PositiveSSL
SSL CertificateComodo PositiveSSL 256 bit SSL Certificates designed for encrypting web sites for low volume online transactions. Trusted by over 99.9% of current Internet users, Positive SSL is the solution for new websites or environments where trust has been established and entity verification (for identity assurance) is not needed.

Secured by RapidSSLRapidSSL is a single root SSL certificate with up to 256 bit encryption. The certificate is widely recognized by over 99% browsers. Apart from being one of the most economical SSL solutions available today, RapidSSL is also one of the most widely used. Enrollment is quick with domain validation. Secure Your Site Fast, for Less!

Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcards
SSL CertificateComodo Wildcard SSL Certificates save you money and management time by securing your domain and unlimited sub-domains on a single certificate. Wildcard certificates work the same way as a regular SSL Certificate, allowing you to secure the connection between your website and the end user Internet browser with one major advantage. A single Comodo Wildcard SSL Certificate covers any and all of the sub-domains of your main domain.

RapidSSL Wildcard
Secured by RapidSSLStable, single root install 128 / 256 bit SSL certificates that allow you to secure multiple sub domains on a single domain name. RapidSSL Wildcard certificates are ideal for sites conducting low volume / low value levels of ecommerce. RapidSSL Wildcard is issued by a root owned by RapidSSL.com and provides around 99% browser recognition rates.

Business Certificates
Geotrust QuickSSL Premium
Secured by GeotrustWith GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium web server certificates, you and your customers can conduct secure Internet transactions with confidence. QuickSSL Premium offers REAL 256-bit SSL encryption for less than what you would pay for some other SSL solutions. With an automatic authentication and issuance process QuickSSL Premium SSL certificates are a smart choice for quickly securing your transactions with a premium certificate.

Geotrust TrueBusinessID
Secured by GeotrustGeoTrust True BusinessID SSL certificates let your customers know that your site is trustworthy and that you take their security seriously enough to get your SSL from a security company. If you are looking for end-to-end Internet security coverage, True BusinessID from GeoTrust is the answer. This bundled package of SSL certificates and True Site protection delivers unsurpassed browser and server recognition, as well as airtight access protection and fraud prevention.

Geotrust TrueBusinessID EV
Secured by GeotrustMake a strong security statement with the green address bar. GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV (Extended Validation) is a premium business-class SSL security product, visually confirming the highest level of authentication available among SSL certificates. Only Extended Validation SSL Certificates trigger the green bar in high-security web browsers with up to 256-bit SSL Encryption. Comes with GeoTrust True Site Seal with company name, date/time stamp and $150K warranty.

Symantec Secure Site
Verisign SecuredVeriSign SSL Certificates are now from Symantec. The most trusted mark on the Internet, is viewed up to 650 million times per day on over 100,000 Web sites in 165 countries. Symantec (VeriSign) Secure Site EV certificate offers more than security for your online business. We help drive traffic to your site and reduce abandoned transactions.

Symantec Secure Site with EV SSL Certificate
Verisign SecuredAttract more customers to your website and give them the confidence to complete their transactions online with Extended Validation (EV), the green address bar. This website security solution also features the Norton Secured Seal, the most recognized trust mark on the Internet, vulnerability assessments and website malware scanning to help you take action against critical website weaknesses. Symantec Secure Site with EV SSL Certificate can provide up to 256-bit encryption with a minimum of 40-bit encryption to secure online transactions.

Symantec Secure Site Pro with EV SSL Certificates
Verisign SecuredProtect your customers and grow your business with the most trusted and secure choice for website protection. This website security solution features Extended Validation (EV), the green address bar, and the Norton Secured Seal, the most recognized trust mark on the Internet. Secure Site Pro with EV also offers our strongest SSL encryption with vulnerability assessment and malware scanning to help defend your site against attacks. Symantec Secure Site Pro with EV SSL Certificates comes with up to 256-bit encryption and a minimum of 128-bit encrption for secure online transactions.